Why CBC?

Cost Comparison

This chart shows top Christian universities and their cost of tuition. The prices do not reflect the additional costs of housing, meal plans, and general fees that each student is required to pay.

Catalyst Bible College does accept California Grants, Federal Loans, and offers a variety of scholarship opportunities for students.

School 1
Total Tuition Cost
School 2
Total Tuition Cost
School 3
Total Tuition Cost
School 4
Total Tuition Cost
School 5
Total Tuition Cost
Catalyst Bible College
Total Tuition Cost


We want all of our students to be well-versed in all aspects of ministry and Practicums are one way we are able to do this! Each student will rotate through Catalyst Bible College’s five different practicum areas. These areas have been carefully curated to emphasize key elements of ministry and leadership development.

Practicums are required for Theology majors, but can also be utilized as a resource for our other offered degree programs.
Students outside of the Theology degree program will receive assistance in seeking out external internships if needed.

+ Missions

WEEK 1–4
V1 Reach

WEEK 5–8
Special Needs Ministry

WEEK 9–12
Global Missions


WEEK 1–4
Kids Ministry

WEEK 5–8
Youth Ministry

WEEK 9–12
Young Adults Ministry


WEEK 1–4
A/V Team

WEEK 5–8
Service Experience, Worship

WEEK 9–12


WEEK 1–4
CBC, Lead Pastor Track

WEEK 5–8
Financial Peace, Stewardship

WEEK 9–12
Church Business, Office Management


WEEK 1–4
Guest Experiences, Congregational Care

WEEK 5–8
Discipleship, Connections

WEEK 9–12
Acts 2 Revitalization

Catalyst World Experience

One of the goals of CBC is for every student to graduate with a passion and heart for missions. That is why we have developed the Catalyst World Experience. Every eligible student will have the opportunity to visit five foreign countries during their four years with Catalyst. These experiences are already incorporated into the students’ fees and tuition, so there is no additional cost to participate. We aim to visit South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Holy Land all before a student graduates our program.

To learn more about the Catalyst World Experience, set up a meeting with our Admissions Office.

To see where Catalyst is going in 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026, check out the video below!